How to Encourage Your 2-Year-Old to Communicate Effectively

When you help your child communicate well, you teach them to be open about their feelings, wants, and thoughts, which reduces tantrums and improves social skills. Communication education is the mechanism through which children acquire words, but at the same time, it helps increase their self-worth, which is important for how they learn and form bonds later in life. Making communication a must will allow your child to be active.

In this blog, we will see how you can encourage your 2-year-old child to communicate in a better way and its importance.

Why is it important to encourage your child for better communication?

Communication among the children and also between a child and the parents is one of the most important aspects in a child’s life, more specifically for their growth and wellbeing. At the age of 2, children can add new words to their vocabulary and start to understand their surroundings.

If attention is paid to the child’s communication, they learn how to communicate ideas and feelings in a better way, so that there will be less frustration and crying spells. When children are understood, they become secure and self-confident, and this positively affects their emotional status. This strong foundation of effective communication will act as a bedrock for their future social and academic lives.

Strategies to Encourage Communication

Engage in Conversations: Throughout the day, make sure you engage your child in conversations by telling him what you are doing and asking questions. Asking questions that require more than a word to answer, adds to the response and thought processes towards it.

Read Together: Set specific periods during the day when both of you can go through the book. Reading colorful picture books would also be good, as it will be entertaining. Other than the acquisition of new words, reading also improves the imaginative and analytical aspects of the brain.

Make Learning Part of Playtime: Make use of communication while playing. Help your child practice talking and communication using dolls, toys, or role-plays, which is quite interesting and helps reduce the tension. Play acting helps to create new ideas in addition to allowing for the experimentation of different feelings and situations.

Encourage Imitation: One thing children enjoy doing most is imitating adults. Take advantage of this by modeling language and expressions. Encourage them to repeat after you sound, words or phrases because it is fun.

Provide opportunities for interaction: Try engaging them with other children, it helps to develop communicative skills and draw lessons from their friends. Group activities encourage cooperation and help your child learn how to interpret social signals and learn to share.

Enroll them in preschool: One of the best ways to help the development of your child is to put them into a preschool program. Here, the kids learn to communicate with their classmates and teachers, which makes them express and build different social skills. This must have made you think about Private School For 2 Years Old Near Me.

Limit screen exposure: It is better to encourage more interpersonal interactions. Rather than allowing your child to sit passively watching television programs, involve them in activities that will encourage conversation and learning.

Compliment Their Attempts: No matter if your child tries to speak, gestures, or uses facial expressions, appreciate those wishes. Positively rewarding such efforts motivates them to continue making further attempts and communicating.


If you live near Fresno and are looking for where you can Preschool 2-year-olds in Fresno to help them learn to communicate in a better manner, The Growing Patch Preschool is one of the best places for two-year-olds to grow and learn in various ways.